GSO Puls´production ”Come in!” was awarded at the YEAH festival in Osnabrück September 14:) Thank you wonderful GSO for the dedicated work you all put into this huge project!
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Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra (GSO) formed a two-year educational programme, and I was fortunate to be a part of the three pillar group consisting Petra Kloo-Vik (producer) Svante Grogarn (stage director) and myself. For Svante and myself, a half-time job ending spring 2013. Our goal was to involve listeners from 4 and up in the orchestral world of sounds and musical experiences. We started up with ”Himmel och jord” (Heaven and earth) – an orchestral journey concerning different aspects on death and life, funerals and coffins, rites and emotions, followed by

”The musical Body”, partly based on children´s own composing sketches which we created in work shops in school, involving GSO´s  curious musicians.  Autumn 2012, we produced Come in!: 20 minute intimate meeting with 60 small groups of kindergarten-kids and one GSO musician, in a caravan! First time in history for sure. Afterwards they gathered together in the big concert hall for a REAL full-body-orchestra concert, which of course included sing-along on classical highlights. Lyrics made by my dear companion Svante. Our final production ”Democracy – for people who not have the right to vote”, premiered April 23, for older, but still young people, 14 years and up…was a big success!
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In addition to my work with GSO Puls, read (in Swedish) my chronicle at the Swedish Art´s Council homepage:



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